Truman and Hoover : the return of the exile. "I'm not big enough for this job" ; "Our exclusive trade union"
Eisenhower and Truman : careful courtship, bitter breakup. :The news hounds are trying to drive a wedge between us" ; "The man is a congenital liar"
Kennedy and his club : the hazing. "He had no idea of the complexity of the job" ; "The worse I do, the more popular I get" ; "How about coming in for a drink?"
Johnson and Eisenhower : blood brothers. "The country is far more important than any of us" ; "I need your counsel, and I love you"
Nixon and Reagan : the California boys. "You'll have my promise
Johnson and Nixon : two scorpions in a bottle. "This is treason" ; "I want to go; God take me"
Nixon and Johnson : brotherhood and blackmail. "I want the break-in"
Nixon and Ford : mercy at all costs. "I had to get the monkey off my back"
Ford and Reagan : the family feud. "It burned the hell out of me"
Nixon, Ford, and Carter : three men and a funeral. "Why don't we make it just Dick, Jimmy, and Jerry?"
Reagan and Nixon : the exile returns. "I am yours to command"
Bush and Nixon : no good deed goes unpunished. "I'm convinced
Bush and Carter : the missionary goes rogue. "I am a better ex-president that I was a president"
Six presidents : the golden age of the club. "The guy knows how the game is played" ; "I'm sending Carter. You think it will be OK, don't you" ; "Bill, I think you have to admit that you lied"
Bush and Clinton : the rascal and the rebel. "He's never forgiven me for beating his father"
Bush and Bush : father and son. "I love you more than tongue can tell" ; "Tell 41 and 42 that 43 is hungry"
Obama and his club : the learning curve. "We want you to succeed."