Ten steps you can take now at home
Step 2: budget your new life overseas
Step 4: research residency options
Step 5: get good tax advice
Step 6: shop for health insurance
Step 7: learn the local real estate market (for both sales and rentals)
Step 8: figure out what to do with all your stuff
Step 9: set up a virtual home office
Step 10: consider part-time retirement overseas
Looking for something specific
Luxury living on a budget
Top choices with school-aged children
Part-time retirement overseas
Tax-friendly jurisdiction
Established expat community
Special benefits for foreign retirees
The world's fourteen top retirement havens
Renting, renovating, or building your new home
Setting up : furnishing your home and finding household help
Establishing an administrative infrastructure: opening bank accounts, arranging utilities, paying bills, and filing tax returns
Getting around: owning a vehicle and obtaining a driver's license
Becoming part of your new community: learning the language and making friends
How to make the most of your new life
Overcoming challenges and cultural differences
Managing your expectations
Frequently asked (and not so crazy) questions
Conclusion: the two most valuable things I've learned as an American abroad.